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Saturday, January 4, 2025


Ministry Outdoor Adventures Foundation was blessed with a truly beautiful day for a Clayshoot at Michael Murphy & Sons near Augusta, Ks, yesterday!  And, we were blessed with an awesome lunch (special thanks to Matthew Walters and his family for providing that), an inspirational testimony by pastor Bill Koons, and exceptional service and assistance from the staff at Michael Murphy & Sons!  Thank you so much to all of you who came out (we had 40 participants), and congratulations to all of our prize winners!  Thank you for your support of MOA!

If anyone reading this post would like to become a regular, or a one-time annual MOA supporter, please feel free to click the link below!

MOA Archery Hunt 2024

 Ministry Outdoor Adventures Foundation just returned from our first ever, Fall Archery Deer Hunt in NW, Ks!  And what a blessing it was!  All three of our ministry guests tagged deer and were able to take some meat home for their freezers and for their families!  We were truly blessed with some awesome Fall weather, fantastic lodging accommodations, and some real connection time as brothers in Christ!  

Thanks so much to all of our sponsors who make events like this possible for our ministry guests!  If you would like to become an MOA Sponsor/Supporter, just click the link below.  Your support blesses the lives of men who serve and who are being called to serve in ministry!

Firearms Deer Season 2024 is a Wrap!

Ministry Outdoor Adventures Foundation just finished up the Kansas rifle season with hunts in both North Central (12/4-12/7) and South West (12/10-12/14), Kansas.  A huge shout-out of Heartfelt THANKS to the Kansas farm and ranch families that make these hunts possible for MOA, the Schultze family of North Central, Ks, and the Barnes and Lamb families of South West, Ks!  Thank you so much for your friendship, kindness, generosity, prayers, support, land access, and ALL of your abundant and overwhelming hospitality!  I truly don’t have enough words to express all of my thanks!

In Osborne County, MOA had five hunters, who focused exclusively on the pursuit of whitetail deer.  In Morton County, MOA had 6 hunters, with two in pursuit of whitetail deer, two in pursuit of mule deer, one focusing on upland birds and one seeking mule deer and pheasant & quail.  

In both Osborne County and Morton County we were blessed by the abundance of God’s grace, felt the power of God’s presence, enjoyed inspirational devotional times, and we found ourselves surrounded by all the beauty the Kansas prairies, hills, creeks, and river valleys, have to offer.  What an indescribable blessing it was to be where we were and to see all that we saw.

If you would like to become an MOA Supporter and help make events like these possible, feel free to click the link below.  MOA seeks to serve those who serve in ministry in various capacities and in various settings, by providing all-expense-paid, outdoor retreat opportunities, centered around hunting and fishing.